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HPT,WRC and HAL-I export to Karachi, Pakistan

On 8th July, 2014, Zhengzhou Dayu Machinery Co., Ltd delivered three sets Road Marking Machineries from our factory, which export to Karachi, Pakistan.

Mr. R scanned DAYU website and have a brief understanding for our products and our company, and sent a clear enquiry about our road marking machines, point out the following model he want:
DY-HPT hand push thermoplastic road marking machine
DY-WRC wind-force road cleaner
DY-HAL-I hand push cold paint road marking machine

Then we discussed more details about the above three sets road marking equipments. For thermoplastic road marking machine DY-HPT, the marking width depend on the width of the marking shoe, if need to change the line width, just need to change different size marking shoe.

So Mr. R also required us prepared two sets of 12cm & 15cm road marking shoe and glass beads dispenser as spare parts.

And Mr. R said that this is just the beginning of a long term relationship.

Any other confuse, kindly send me email:
Or tel Vicky: 0086-158-9008-0663

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